Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to Get the MOST from your Workout (and you DON'T need a personal trainer!)

Here's a question I get A LOT... How do you push yourself to your max so you get results... especially when it's so easy to press that pause button? No one would know, right?!

While that may be true, pressing that pause button or lifting a little lighter today because you've had one tough day at work isn't doing you any favors. Quite honestly? Results are embedded in what you choose to do when you're tired. Think about those moments when your brain is telling you to stop because you're uncomfortable. Do you listen? Or do you push through it? If you choose the latter, THAT'S when you'll see those results. The stubborn belly fat starts to disappear. The last few pounds melt off. Those abs/biceps/quads start popping.

Here are some tips that can help you in the war between your body and your brain:

1. Have a goal, and post it where you can see it during your workouts (and maybe even in your kitchen as well). Why? Not only are you giving yourself accountability, but you are visualizing your WHY when the going gets tough. You are giving this workout/meal/MOMENT purpose. Envision that goal, and how it will feel once you've accomplished it!

2. Reverse engineer that badboy. Goals are great, but you've got to have a plan of execution. Otherwise, your goal is just a wish. What are you going to do first? Second? What happens after you've reached your goal? Do you stop? Part of what I do as a coach is help people make those plans, and keep them accountable throughout the journey.

3. Keep it interesting. You need to switch up your routine every now and then. Not only for your mind, but for your body, too. Your brain loves routine. In fact, your body will adapt to the same movements pretty quickly. It's called muscle memory. Challenge yourself to go faster, jump higher, lift heavier. Try different workouts. Make it a game.

4. Don't forget about the food. Fueling your body with the nutrients it needs to perform at it's peak during these workouts is CLUTCH. You want to make sure you aren't setting yourself up to fail! What you put in your body can literally make or break your results. Need a little pick me up? Get a great pre-workout to give you some extra go-juice. I have a few recommendations that I love. Feel free to email me or comment if you're interested in my opinion! Nutrition is literally 75-80% of the battle.

Keep those eyes on the prize, my friends! I'm here for motivation and accountability if you need it. I run accountability groups all the time, and they are a blast. If you find yourself needing that extra little nudge (or push :) ), I'm here for you.


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